Just think about the guys throw banana skin

Preferred fruiting banana everyone. But you have to know the benefits of banana peel, it will wonder flout. Want to pin? The simplest way: Thorn mullaltan have to take.

Banana skin was enough, dear friends! Sleeve, patattilo, maraccillukal or poking pin, curukkenru soul in pain will go away. Going to the doctor can not take it, there vankiyavarkalum knife wounds. I do not want to all this unpleasantness.

If you meet enough bananas. Apply it on the skin, slowly punched banana pin in place. After the pressure around the place easily tell people pannivittu vantuvitumtrai pin out.
* Coriyasis problem?
Coriyasis skin diseases such as skin redness appears bold. Thus came irritation, Patch, Patch exists? Teyunkal banana skin on skin no longer affected. Standing irritation, skin becomes normal. Provides moisture to the skin, which is the best way to prevent corrosion.

Make warts disappear:
If it affects alakaiye cutaneous warts. This is a very simple way to get rid of it. Teyunkal on Banana skin warts. Then, put on a banana skin warts keep a cloth tied around a dinner. Warts eventually disappear mysteriously.
* Allergy * Skin?
Any small insect bites, or other problems, skin stout, cause erosion. Is irritation. The TRI Do mutalutaviyay banana skin. Put in refrigerator banana skin, then it's the perfect place to irritation and itching tatavunka. The relief will be available soon.

* Acne is opposed to:
Banana instentay easily enough to alleviate acne. Banana skin's pores on the skin, an enzyme active in the affected area and understand what goes on. Thus decreasing lotions, vanishing so talumpukalum cause.

* Get whiter teeth:
Yellow stains and get whiter teeth without the desire of all. For this, bleach teeth ceyum paste, tooth gel kuccattaiya want to get bought. Our banana skin to look natural pliccana pass. Etunka it. After describing each tooth, morning and night, with Banana skin teyunkal your teeth. Look no more. Glittering teeth.
* Injuries has taken place?
It is not saying that it will be hard kalileye. Aratuk onto the back of it there was injury. Anupavappattirupparkal A lot of people do this. The healing power of the skin contains a banana, a few factors. The simple way to eat a banana every day. Pucunka its skin to injury. Good for health. Aritum rates soon.
Is there such a thing in vain to throw the valaipalat accariyappatukirirkaltane skin. Remember that in a small nail and pierced teeth. As stated above, prior to any upayokappatuma throw banana skin, then throw away the thought.

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